Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Yes. All branches of anarchism against capitalism, because capitalism is based on oppression and exploitation. The anarchists reject "the notion that man can not work together without having to set it masters to take a percentage of the results" and think that in an anarchist society "the true workers will regulate themselves, to decide when, where, and how something will be done". Thus the workers will free themselves "from the shackles of capitalism is terrible". [Voltairine de Cleyre, "Anarchism", p 30-34, Man!, M. Graham (Ed), p 32.34]
(It should be emphasized here that the anarchists oppose all forms of economy based on domination and exploitation, including feudalism, "socialism" Soviet style, and others. We focus on capitalism because capitalism is currently being dominated world.)
Individualists like Benjamin Tucker along with social anarchists like Proudhon and Bakunin declared himself a "socialist". They do so because, as noted by Kropotkin in his classic essay "Modern Science and Anarchism", "long period of socialism is understood in a correct understanding, common and widely-as an attempt to eliminate the exploitation of labor by capital-anarchist side by side with the socialists now it. "(Evolution and Environment, p 81) Or in the words of Tucker," The basis for the claims of socialism (is) that the workers should be included in the ownership of the goods themselves ", a claim that was agreed upon by the" two schools of thought ... a socialistic state socialism and anarchism ". (The Anarchist Reader, p 144) Therefore, the word" socialist "was originally defined includes" all those who believe in individual rights to have what she's production. "(Lance Klafta," Ayn Rand and the Perversion of Libertarianism " , in Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed, no. 34) The fight against this exploitation (or usury) carried out by all the anarchists and put them under the banner of socialist.
For most of the socialists, "The only guarantee that your work has not been robbed is the means of production". (Peter Kropotkin, The Conquest of Breath, hal.145) For this reason Proudhon, for example, supporting trade unions, where " individuals who unionized workers ... have the same share in the ownership of the company "due to" participation in the profit and loss ... collective strength (ie surplus) is no longer a source of profit a small number of managers and become the property of all workers. "(The General Idea of the Revolution, p 222 and 223) and again, but missed the end of the exploitation of labor by capital, also longed for a true socialist society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the manufacturer. The way it used to do that manufacturers be debate among anarchists and other socialists, but they remain the same desire. The anarchists support direct control of workers and trade unions as well as ownership by the community.
Moreover, the anarchists also reject capitalism because it is authoritarian and exploitative. Under capitalism, workers do not govern themselves during the production process, or have control over the work. Situations like this are difficult to be based on the same freedom, as well as non-exploitative nature, and therefore opposed by anarchists. The best explanation of this perspective can be found in the work of Proudhon (who inspired Tucker and Bakunin), in which he argued that anarchism sees "capitalistic exploitation and ownership stops everywhere (and) wage system abolished". Because the "good worker ... will easily work on owner-operator-capitalist, or he will take part ... in the first case worker subordinated, exploited: the condition is permanent ... compliance in the second case it returns dignity as a human being and a citizen ... it is the organization of production, where it was previously, but as a laborer ... we need not doubt, because we have no choice ... it is necessary to form a UNION between the workers ... because without it, they would remain related as subordinate and superior, and will appeared two ... caste masters and wage labor, which is repugnant to a free and democratic society. "(op.cit., p 233 and 215-216)
Therefore all the anti-capitalist anarchists ["If the worker has produced prosperity, there is no capitalism" (Alexander Berkman., What is Communist Anarchism?, P 37)] Benjamin Tucker, for example - are highly influenced by anarchist liberalism ( as will be discussed later)-called thinking "Anarchist Socialism" and denounced capitalism as a system based "usurer, the receiver of interest, loans and profits." Tucker argues that in a free market anarchist society and non-capitalist, capitalists will be capital and excessive exploitation of workers will be terminated, because "... will save the wages of workers normally, all the results". (The individualist Anarchist, p 82dan 85) The economy as it will be based on a jointly owned bank and exchange freely among the unions, craftsmen, and farmers. For Tucker, and other individualist anarchists, capitalism is not a true free market, marked by the enactment of various laws and the monopoly capitalists who ensure workers benefit from, well, the accompanying exploitation via profit, interest and loans. Even Max Stirner, a self-centered anarchist, mocked capitalist society and the various "haunted", and to Max it was intended as thoughts that are treated with the sacred and religious, such as private ownership, competition, division of labor and others.
So anarchists consider themselves to be socialists, but socialists certain kind of liberal-socialist. As one anarchist individualist, Joseph A. Labadie (along with Tucker and Bakunin)
"It is said that Anarchism is not socialism. This is a mistake. Anarchism is voluntary Socialism. There are two kinds of socialism, arkistis and anarchistic, authoritarian and liberal, and free country. In fact, every proposition for social improvement is the increase or decrease the external power and coercion of the will of the individual. Because they add to it, they called arkistis; if they reduce their anarchistic ". (Anarchism: What It Is and What It Is Not")
Labadie stated on many occasions that "all anarchists are socialists but not all socialists are anarchists". Therefore, Daniel Guerin commented that "anarchism is a synonym for socialism. Anarchist is primarily a socialist whose aim abolish the exploitation of man against his neighbor "echoed throughout the history of the anarchist movement in both wing individualist and socially. (Anarchism, p 12) In fact, Haymarket Martyr Adolph Fischer, with almost perfect using the same words with Labadie to show the same fact-"every anarchist is a socialist, but a socialist is not necessarily a socialist", while the statement that the movement "is divided into two factions: followers of Proudhon's anarchist and communist, or anarchist middle class". (The Autobigraphies of the Haymarket Martyrs , p 81)
So while social and individualist anarchists do not agree in many ways - for example, is it true that non-capitalist free market be the best means to maximize the freedom-they agree that capitalism should be resisted because it is exploitative and oppressive, and that an anarchist society, by definition, must based on the associations of workers, rather than wages. Only the association of workers that would "reduce the external power and coercion of the will of the individual" during working hours and self-management of work by those who work to be a primary goal of true socialism. This perspective can be seen when Joseph Labadie argued that trade unions are "an example for freedom by association" and that "without the union, the worker is a slave to his master more than if he association." (Different Phases of The Labour Question)
But the meaning of words change over time. When this "socialism" is almost always associated with state socialism, a system that met with resistance from all anarchists as denying freedom and genuine socialist ideals. All anarchists would agree with Noam Chomsky's statement in this regard:
"If the flow of the left is understood to include 'Bolshevism,' then I would strongly split off from the left stream. Lenin was one of the greatest enemies of socialism. "(" Anarchism, Marxism and Hope for the Future ", Red and Black Revolution, no.2)
Anarchism developed in constant opposition to the ideas of Marxism, social democracy and Leninism. Long before Lenin came to power, Mikhail Bakunin warned the followers of Marx against the "red bureaucracy" as the worst despotic governments "if Marx's ideas about socialist countries carried out. In fact, all the works of Stirner, Proudhon and especially Bakunin predicted the horrors of state socialism with great accuracy. Additional another anarchist, including the first and the critics as well as the most vocal opposition to the Bolshevik regime in Russia.
However, because the socialist anarchists to share some ideas with some Marxists (though without Leninist). Both Bakunin and Tucker accepted Marx's analysis and critique of the capitalist as the theory of surplus value. Marx himself was much influenced by the book The Ego and Its Own Max Stirner's work, which contains a brilliant critique of what Marx called communism "vulgar" as well as state socialism. There are also elements of the Marxist movement similar to social anarchism (particularly a branch of social anarchism, syndicalism anarchy-for example, Anton Pannekoek, Rosa Luxembourg, Paul Mattick, and others are very much different from Lenin. Karl Korsch and others wrote with great sympathy of the anarchist revolution in Spain. There are many connections from Marx to Lenin and Marx as well as from the more liberal to Marxist, who strongly criticized Lenin and Bolshevism and those who are thinking of anarchism is a desire for free association of equals.
Therefore, it is basically a form of socialism, anarchism, which stand as direct opposition to what is commonly defined as "socialism" (ie state ownership and control). Instead of "convergence plan" associated by many with the word "socialism", anarchists defending free trade and cooperation between individuals, workplaces, and communities and thus against socialism "state" as a form of state capitalism in which "every man ( and women) will be wage earners, and the state is the payer ". (Benjamin Tucker, The individualist Anarchist, p. 81) So the anarchist rejection of Marxism (what most people think of as" socialism ") simply because" the idea as a capitalist country Where ... the social-democratic faction of the Socialist Party is trying to reduce Socialism. "(Peter Kropotkin, The Great French Revolution, p 31) Objection to the anarchists against the identification of Marxism," central planning ".
Because of these differences with the socialist countries, and to reduce confusion, the majority of anarchists calling themselves "anarchists" because it is definitely an anarchist is a socialist too. However, with the rise of so-called right of "liberal in the U.S., some pro-capitalist call themselves" anarchists "and that's why we wrote a little point here. Historically and logically, showing anti-capitalist anarchism, socialism, for example, we emphasize, is agreed by all anarchists.
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