Wednesday, 8 February 2012
"The unrest and commotion, the V ... Is this anarchy? ... Anarchy means" without leaders ", not" without rules ". With anarchy comes the Ordnung, the regularity of the true ... that is to say voluntary order. [...] This is not anarchy , Eve. It's chaos. "(excerpt of a conversation with Eve V from V for Vendetta comic, p. 195)
Anarchy and chaos, samakah? Yes when we see the use of the word "anarchy" in everyday language. But not when we see it from the history of this school of thought kritis.Buku Sean M. Sheehan, Anarchism: A Journey Resistance Movement (Left Margin, 2007) tried to explore the history of anarchism as a political philosophy, with a widespread impact on the field of culture and art.
As a political philosophy, anarchism is often considered not serious and is associated as a "wild mischief" mere. Is partly because anarchism reject the concept of a single State or centrally, whereas "The state is the sovereign source of political authority, as we understand it. So powerful this concept until it is difficult to imagine what would happen without the political science concept of the State" (Anarchism, p. 23). Although opposed to the State, anarchism is not against the government in the sense of "the administration's political system". Anarchism crave self-managed government that is run voluntarily by citizens, not by coercion laws of the State apparatus that we know today.
This kind of project often say utopian, but Sheehan cited the anarchist communities, ancient and new, proved capable of running this kind of ideal, ranging from the Diggers in the English community of the 17th century until the Zapatista communities in Mexico who launched a rebellion by the end of the 20th century. Sheehan also celebrates the triumph of the Anarchist camp in the fight against the Fascist forces in the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s. In this war proved that the anarchist principles may be applied in the structuring of modern political life. Anarchist revolution has proven positive impact on economic performance. Spanish agricultural production increased between 1936 and 1937 (p. 102). Sheehan sued, although the evidence is overwhelming, "but surprisingly not considered as an argument that anarchism it may apply to the 21st century." (P. 49).
Dianaktirikan within the scope of social science-politics, anarchism, it gives a lot of influence in the culture and the arts. Punk music, for example, is the biological child of anarchism. Sheehan describes many examples of literary works and films that the theme or principle of anarchism with each stereotype. It's no coincidence that in the time it did not rise too much different from the comic V for Vendetta (Scholastic, 2006) which can also be used as an example of how anarchism is displayed in pop culture. Indonesia may advance the public to know V for Vendetta on the big screen.
Once in this comic, England in 1997 ruled by a fascist dictatorship in the conspiracy dipijakkan Fate military, bureaucrats, and the clergy, with a combined by the omnipotence of technology. Culture, arts, and thinking in general suppressed. The people should only listen to radio broadcasts that aired the Voice of Fate. Closed circuit television cameras (CCTV) installed at each street corner watching the gestures. Intel scattered everywhere. Freedom zero. In the words of the Leader: "I believe in unity. And if it's strength, unity of purpose that requires uniformity of thought, word, and deed, that is to be applied." (Vendetta, p. 37).
In the midst of a repressive situation is emerging leaders who launched a series of resistance V with anarchist techniques. V is an eccentric character who wore a cape and mask theater is always smiling. She once used as medical guinea pigs in a concentration camp, but no explanation of how after he escaped his opposition to the project initiated. What is clear, in his home lined literary works, music, and movies that have been suppressed from public life. From where he studied and the inspiration of freedom.
V is called an anarchist because of the opposition he was not trying to overthrow the regime of Fate and then replace it with "government" itself. He tried to make people aware that there is life outside of life they are experiencing now. V only paved the way, just bersamalah rebellion that could change lives. The first thing he did was blow up the Houses of Parliament. The regime tried to argue that this is the "deliberate destruction to avoid congestion." Total power is about to apply in practice it easily shaken by small things, because that is V then kidnapped the Commander Lewis Prothero is a day to fill in the radio voice of Fate. Because he could not find a replacement, the regime also broadcast pickup, and "the whole nation listened. There's something wrong with the voice of Fate. Slightest thing that has cast a dark shadow [...] Everything is not the same." (P. 36). The totality of the State began to fall.
Comic V for Vendetta is a graphic novel is really serious in the story and stunning visual. Unfortunately Indonesia cultivation of this edition is not commensurate with the quality of this comic original. Cut the number one show said the poor quality of proofreading, while the translation of some excerpts that refer to the literary works of "high" is not based on adequate knowledge about the quote, thus making the figure so it looks like a handyman V digress unclear what she was talking. See WB Yeats quoted this poem in it. 196: "Round and round in the vortex of an enlarged, bird falcon can not hear their master, everything was destroyed ... the core can not survive." If you want a little careful track translator of poetry, of course it will know that the poem "The Second Coming" is used as Chinua Achebe's masterpiece the opening epigram Things Fall Apart, which has been translated very well be a messy Everything (Ray of Hope, 1986): "Round and round and round in widening / eagle was not heard of the hunter / all fall apart: the center can not hold / only anarchy is now sweeping the world. "
Achebe use Yeats poem as an allegory collapse of colonialism in Africa, and Moore quote on Vendetta as an allegory of the collapse of central authority Destiny fascism - something that is not captured in the translation in this comic. The same applies to quote Shakespeare's sonnets, which would be better if the interpreter will first look at the translation Trisno Sumardjo.
Although the book is refreshing, actually it's not the first time anarchism books translated into Indonesian. To my knowledge, had been circulated underground translations of the characters kind of anarchist Rudolf Rocker and Emma Goldman in mimeographed form. But this is the first time a book on anarchism taken seriously and circulated in mainstream bookstores. Is this discourse with anarchism is expected to freely enter public space without any suspicion and resistance? Looks like that's what publishers want targeted by the Left Margin, as can be read on their explanation: "Whether we're in the era of the global rise of anarchism as a response to global neoliberalism? It is important to be studied, because after capitalism and communism share the history of a great sin , perhaps anarchism kontemporerlah can offer alternatives. " (Anarchism, p. I). Assessing scientific anarchism in the context of neo-liberalism is now of course interesting, although there are some questions that is debatable. Really antineolib movements are often referred to as "global civil society" is the same as the "global anarchy"? Does not shrink neoliberalism aiming minimal state role it once with a thin border anarchists who reject the principle of centralized state?
Many unanswered questions from the Sheehan book, but its presence is expected to provide new input in progressive thought in this country. When the "left" is mentioned, the association was no longer expected to be rigidly fixed to the "socialism" or "communism" only, but also "anarchism" and various other variants of libertarian thought. Sheehan even underlines the diversity of the political spectrum left this by writing that the best finish of the anarchist movement is not just the capitalists, but the communists Lenin and Stalin.
But as an idea, anarchism has proved impossible to kill. In V for Vendetta V character fearlessly braved bullets to firing a gun, saying: "You're going to kill me? No blood or meat behind this cloak to kill. There is only an idea. And the idea of bullet-proof." (Vendetta, p. 236). After all, human remains and dead V also got the bullet. But the disciple took her cloak and mask to become the new V. Just like when the Soviet Union collapsed and capitalism was celebrated as a single winner, neo-anarchism would rapidly spread all over the earth: Chiapas, Seattle, Prague ... Or in the words of Eve is now transformed V: "They say that anarchy is dead, but see any news of my death ... greatly exaggerated. " (Vendetta, p. 258).
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